2nd Workshop « Big Data in Secure Societies »

Le Centre satellitaire de l’Union européenne organise un second workshop intitulé « Big Data in Secure Societies » le 18 octobre 2016 à Bruxelles.

« The workshop is the second of a scheduled series within the BigDataEurope project for the H2020 Societal Challenge “Secure Societies”; it will address a wide audience comprising key stakeholders, data users and service providers from a variety of domains in Secure Societies such as Space & Security and Cybersecurity.

By dedicated interactive sessions on specific topics, the workshop aims to: go into current and future Big Data needs and challenges in Secure Societies; contribute to the building of a community sharing Big Data requirements and strategies; discuss real user scenarios and use cases; present and have feedback on the BigDataEurope pilot for Secure Societies currently under implementation (dealing with the integration of remote and social sensing data for change detection); offer the opportunity to participate in the BigDataEurope project and in the Big Data platform development.​ »

Plus d’informations sur  http://www.big-data-europe.eu.

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