716 new observation stations for 33 African river basins
After a pre-processing phase, conducted by CLS and LEGOS, aiming to automate the definition of new virtual stations (VS) and their validation, the Hydroweb version includes 716 new operational stations (Jason-2, Jason-3, and Sentinel-3-A) in 33 major river basins on the African continent.
The new stations add to the operational VS already broadcast on Hydroweb, bringing the total of operational VS to 962. On this occasion, 26 African research stations have become operational.
22 Research VS produced by LEGOS on French hydrological basins have furthermore been integrated. The number of lakes operationally watched is not modified by this version: they amount to 64 while 91 lakes are in research mode.
You can already consult these time series on water level on the usual page: http://hydroweb.theia-land.fr/
Further station inclusion in Europe and Asia is expected before the end of the year.
The operational VS are up-dated by CLS with every new altimeter measure available.
The research VS are computed by LEGOS several time a year.