A new GeoDEV website, with resources tailored to your profile
The website of the ART GeoDEV, the Theia Regional Animation network that CIRAD, IRD and CNES have been leading since 2017 in the direction of Southern countries, is evolving to enhance and facilitate access to resources resulting from space observation of territories and the environment in Southern countries.
This site was born out of the growing need and difficulty of finding spatial information in a digital environment that is very rich in terms of supply and content, and which is evolving very quickly. It is a reference site for information resources (maps, databases, documents, tools, etc.) derived from Earth observation data and available free of charge for monitoring continental surfaces in developing countries.

This site is aimed at all stakeholders in the North and South – scientists, development players, institutional players – and offers, to simplify the search, paths adapted to the needs and expertise of different player profiles. Once you have selected your profile (remote sensor, geomatician or decision-maker), you will be offered a selection of resources (for example, processing tools and image catalogues for a remote sensor, thematic cartographic products and technical documents for a geomatician, and online geo-services or policy briefs for a decision-maker). To make searching easier, users can also select one or more themes
(agriculture, forestry, coastline…) and geographical areas of interest.
A continuous flow of resources
Produced by La Téléscop with the support of Agropolis Fondation, the site provides an inventory of information resources available on the web (maps, documents, images, tools, training, etc.) in the form of a list or via a map interface. The database of resources is regularly updated by the scientific players in the Theia cluster during face-to-face Data Parties, via the news feed provided by LaTéléscop, and also by anyone wishing to submit a resource they consider useful for the community via a form.
With regard to future developments, the site, which is currently in French, will be offered in English and Portuguese. Similarly, as the site is essentially dedicated to resources on continental surfaces in developing countries, topics relating to Theia’s other centres (Odatis, Aeris and ForM@ter) could be added without any additional development effort.
Thematic news from the GeoDEV website, sent monthly to newsletter subscribers, will now be relayed on the GEODEV LinkedIn page.
Please feel free to share this information with your network to help raise the profile of the site.