All Theia publications related to the Space Climate Observatory (SCO) : projects, involvement, calls, etc.
Measuring the albedo of mainland France from Sentinel-2
THEIA’s Albedo team has developed a method for calculating high-resolution (HR) albedo using Sentinel-2 data. The method has already been used as part of the Copernicus Global Land Service program, […]
SPace4Irrig | Mapping of irrigated and non-irrigated crops
Within the framework of the SPace4Irrig project, labelled Space Climate Observatory,CESBIO and MEOSS have developed a detection model for irrigated and non-irrigated plots, adapted to field crops. This project is […]
TropiSCO: Monitoring Forest Cover Loss in Dense Forests
The Tropisco projects build on methods developed in THEIA Forest Biomass and Cover Change SEC.
Do you know the SCO?
The SCO facilitators discuss the Space Climate Observatory project, through which several THEIA SECs and RANs projects have been labelled.
Theia projects with the SCO label: an ever-growing list
Irrigation, forest, mangrove, infectious disease prevention, soil moisture, carbon storage, value of hedgerows, rice cultivation… Update of SCO projects related to Theia SECs and RANs.