Generic change detection SEC

Generic change detection SEC


The “Generic change detection” (DCG) Scientific Expertise Centre (SEC) brings together teams from  ICube, UMR Lisah, UMR Tetis, UMR Espace-Dev, IGN, Onera, Cnes, Lisite, Live, UMR Lienss and UMR Dynafor.

The DCG SEC coordinates and supports scientific activities centred around detection of generic changes based on high-frequency image series, assesses methods for extracting changes and studying their thematic applicability, and proposes methodologies for constructing change typologies.

The users are scientists from the information and communication sciences, environmental sciences, and public and socio-economic actors.

The product resulting from the Generic change detection SEC is updated with various frequencies, up until image acquisition. It has a (multi-)decametre scale and covers France and the chosen territories.

Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 data are used.


  • Phase 1: Defining objects/concepts handled and overview of existing or potential methods – Determining application areas in relation to the other SEC
  • Phase 2: Testing and implementation of prototypes from the laboratories


Pierre Gançarski
