Soil moisture with very high spatial resolution SEC

Soil moisture with very high spatial resolution SEC


Theia Soil Moisture at Very High Spatial Resolution Scientific Expertise Centre (SEC) brings together teams from UMR Tetis and Cesbio that develop mapping of soil moisture with precision and spatial and temporal resolutions that are suited to the needs of the users: scientists and players responsible for public policies.

Late October 2020, SM data are available for 19 sites in Europe and around the Mediterranean Sea.

The product resulting from the soil moisture with very high spatial resolution SEC is updated with a frequency of six days. It has a parcel and intra-parcel scale, from 0.2 hectares upwards, and covers various sites around the Mediterranean basin and elsewhere in Europe.

The data used come from radiometrically and geometrically corrected Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 HR image series.

Data at plot level with high repetitiveness

Some examples of Soil Moisture Data series


  • 2017: demonstration products using Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 / Landsat 8 over limited areas (Occitanie and Tunisia)
  • 2018: development of an operational production chain
  • 2018-2019: production at numerous sites in France, Europe and around the Mediterranean in one of Theia’s IDS.
  • 2019-2020 : ● Continue production ● Continue analysis on the accuracy and validity of estimates ● Use moisture estimates for mapping irrigated plots ● Analyze complementarity with band data


Nicolas Baghdadi
INRAE | Tetis

Mehrez Zribi
CNRS | Cesbio
