Strasbourg. TEMU

Urban SEC


Theia Urban Scientific Expertise Centre (SEC) brings together teams from  Live – Univ. de StrasbourgLETG-Rennes, IGN-LaSTIG – Univ. Paris EstIcube-SertitCesbioUMR Espace-Dev, IRD, INP-Borbeaux, Onera, Irstea, UMR Tetis and UMR Espace. They all develop together mapping of artificialised surfaces, urban networks, urban vegetation, changes and indicators.

The product resulting from the Urbanisation and Artificialisation SEC is updated with an annual to biannual frequency. It has a scale from 10 m to 20 m and covers France.

The data used are high-frequency optical / radar images of Sentinel 1, Sentinel 2, SPOT 6&7, Pleiades, etc. type


  • Start of 2018: operational version of automatic processing chains for the artificialised surfaces inventory at the national scale
  • 2019: development of automatic processing chains of other products


Anne Puissant
U. de Strasbourg | Live
Contributions FR | EN
