Copernicus delivers high-Resolution Snow Products Over Europe, Inspired by a Theia Product

The Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) is pleased to announce the release of a new range of High Resolution Snow & Ice (HR-S&I) products. They provide snow and ice information in near-real time (NRT) over Europe at 20m x 20m resolution from the Sentinel-2 constellation observations.

These new offer was developed and operated under EEA (European Environment Agency) delegation, in partnership with Magellium, Astri Polska, Cesbio and Météo-France. Magellium lead the project and developed the NRT system production on the WEkEO DIAS, ice products on lakes and rivers were developed by the Polish company Astri Polska, while snow products result from the collaboration between Cesbio, Météo-France and Magellium. (u About the project genesis, read Michaël Ablain’s contribution in Theia Bulletin n°12)

The FSC product documents the percentage of snow per pixel in near real time. Here, for Norway, 16 June 2020
HR-S&I products are available for downloading

Fractional Snow Cover (FSC) in near-real time

The FSC product is derived from the already established snow cover information proposed in the Theia Snow collection.

Cesbio took a step further in the algorithm to give the percentage of snow on each pixel. FSC is delivered within three hours after the publication of Sentinel-2 L1C products by ESA, according to the 5-day revisit period. Operational production is now on-going under the supervision of Magellium and ASTRI POLSKA.

To introduce Users to these new products an user meeting will be held by videoconference on 15 & 16 of October 2020. Registration is possible as of now on the CLMS website

Florence Marti
& Michaël Ablain (Magellium)

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