OTB User days 2017
The third OTB users days will be held in Toulouse, June 7-9 2017.
- Day 1: Plenary session (general presentations from the OTB Team and the users)
- Day 2: Technical session (tutorial, work groups)
- Day 3: Hackfest (adopt an OTB developer, code a amazing feature, fix a bug)
The event will most likely take place in a new place HarryCow, easily reachable through public transportation. We will try to set up a web conference (at least for some parts of the event) for those of you living too far to attend in person. The agenda will be based on the previous year:
Please fill the the pool poll before the end of the first week of May. If you are interested by present your OTB experience the first day (or another one) don’t hesitate.
We will try to keep this page up-to-date throughout the organization.
And if you want to volunteer (to present your feedback, suggest a topic, help organizing, sponsor the event, make cookies or coffee …) now is the time!