Service Access
The DSM-OPT on-demand processing is a Data Terra service operated by the ForMaterre (Data Terra Solid Earth cluster) in collaboration with THEIA and the DINAMIS mechanism.
DSM-OPT allows the calculation of Digital Surface Models from Pléiades stereo/tri-stereo images, either by uploading the images from a computer or directly from the DINAMIS catalogue.

The service is aimed at communities that are not experts in the field and in the data, with the possibility of launching the calculation with predefined parameters, and also at expert communities, which can act on the parameterization. It is based on the MicMac photogrammetric library (IGN/Matis) and ad-hoc developments from EOST and IPGP. The service is deployed on the FormaTerre / Theia Data and Services Center (A2S computing infrastructure) hosted at the University of Strasbourg Mesocenter. The service has been developed and is maintained by EOST with the contribution of IGN/MATIS and IPGP. It has been set up with the support of ESA, CNES and CNRS/INSU.
Terms of access and use
DSM-OPT is accessible to the French scientific and institutional community through the ForM@Ter web site as well as to the international scientific community and other users on the Geohazard Exploitation Platform (GEP/ESA). It is accessible to all persons with a FormaTerre or Theia account, subject to acceptance of their profile: to access the service, it is necessary to authenticate yourself by following the instructions.
The conditions of use are detailed in the service use charter.
The products of the DSM-OPT service are made available under a CC-BY-NC license excluding any commercial use.
DSM-OPT demonstration video
Demonstration of the images search from the DINAMIS catalogue, in input of the service
Examples of results and applications
Applications are multidisciplinary: monitoring geohazards (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides…), creation of 3D urban models…
Concerning the geohazards monitoring, DSM-OPT is connected to the ForM@Ter ‘s CIEST2 (Cellule d’Intervention et d’Expertise Scientifique et Technique nouvelle génération). When images are acquired following the CIEST2 activation, DSM-OPT is automatically launched with these images as input and the results are shared within the community.
Monitoring volcano eruption dynamics and calculating lava volumes

Identifying ruptures and damage caused by major earthquakes

Calculating watershed and landslide sediment budgets

Creating urban 3D models
Iconographies : Raphaël Grandin (IPGP), Anne Puissant (LIVE), André Stumpf (GAF), Georgina Bennett (UEA)