Data Access
Maps produced with Spot 6/7 data (150 cm resolution)
Three levels of classification (4, 11 and 30 classes) are available.
For 2017 and 2018, Theia land cover maps on Reunion Island are also available at 50 cm, with Pleiades data:


Within Theia Land Cover SEC, TETIS CIRAD team has developed an automated soil mapping system for Reunion Island, based on the Moringa chain, which minimises user interaction by automating most of the image analysis and processing.
The methodology uses a Very High Spatial Resolution image (Spot6/7 or Pleiades) and one or more time series of High Spatial Resolution optical images such as Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 for a classification combining segmentation and object classification (using the Random Forest algorithm) trained by a learning database combining in situ collection and photo-interpretation. In order to make the method more easily reproducible in view of a future integration in the iota2 platform, its implementation is carried out with only free tools (Orfeo Toolbox and Python).
The land cover maps are produced within the framework of the GABIR project (Gestion Agricole des Biomasses à l’échelle de l’Ile de la Réunion) and are all published in the CIRAD Réunion spatial data catalogue:

Stéphane Dupuy
Cirad | Tetis

Raffaele Gaetano
Cirad | Tetis

Lionel Le Mézo
Detailed information on the nomenclatures used and the validation is available for download on the Cirad website:
- Reference for 2016-2017 : Dupuy, Stéphane ; Londoño Villegas, Mónica María ; Gaetano, Raffaele, 2019, « La Réunion – Carte d’occupation du sol, 2016-2017 », doi:10.18167/DVN1/TLELPO, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
- Reference for 2017 (Spot-6/7) : Dupuy, Stéphane ; Gaetano, Raffaele, 2019, « La Réunion – Carte d’occupation du sol, 2017 (Spot6/7) », doi:10.18167/DVN1/OMHZQL, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
- Reference for 2017 (Pléiades) : Dupuy, Stéphane ; Gaetano, Raffaele, 2019, « Reunion island – 2017, Land cover map (Pleiades) », doi:10.18167/DVN1/RTAEHK, CIRAD Dataverse, V2
- Reference for 2018 (Spot-6/7) : Dupuy, Stéphane ; Gaetano, Raffaele, 2019, »La Réunion – Carte d’occupation du sol 2018 (Spot6/7) -1.5m », doi:10.18167/DVN1/SH9CWG, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
- Reference for 2018 (Pléiades) : Dupuy, Stéphane ; Gaetano, Raffaele, 2019, »Reunion island – 2018, Land cover map (Pleiades) – 0.5m », doi:10.18167/DVN1/WKAJZO, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
- Reference for 2019 (Spot-6/7) : Dupuy, Stéphane; Gaetano, Raffaele, 2020, « Reunion island – 2019, Land cover map (Spot6/7) – 1.5m », doi:10.18167/DVN1/YZJQ7Q, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
- Reference for 2020 (Spot-6/7) : Le Mézo, Lionel; Dupuy, Stéphane; Gaetano, Raffaele, 2021, « La Réunion – occupation du sol – carte 2020 (Spot6/7) – 1.5m »,, CIRAD Dataverse, V1