Water levels of rivers and lakes (Hydroweb)

Water levels of rivers and lakes (Hydroweb)

Data access


The products proposed by the Hydroweb project are made up of continuous and long time series for the levels of large lakes, reservoirs and all the world’s rivers.

The series of operational measurements are refreshed at the latest 1.5 days after the availability of a new altimetric measurement. These operational series cover 124 large lakes and 11 336 measurement points on rivers on all continents.

Localization of all Hydroweb virtual stations in November 2020

Research measurement series are refreshed at regular intervals according to the progress made on processing by the LEGOS laboratory. They cover 112 large lakes and 1,212 measurement points on some 20 large rivers.


Theia contact for HydroWeb project : exp.hysope2.cnes.fr

Scientific contact for lakes : Jean-Francois.Cretaux@cnes.fr

Scientific contact for rivers : stephane.calmant@ird.fr


Name : ERS-1, Topex/Poseidon, ERS-2, GFO, Jason-1, Envisat, Jason-2, Saral/Altika, Jason-3, Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-3B, Sentinel-6A and SWOT

Imaging mode : Radar altimetry

Spectral bands : Ku band (~ 2 cm wavelength)

Observation capability :

  • Swath : 100 to 500 m
  • Revisit : 10 to 35 days

Coverage :

  • Area : Global
  • Period : 1992 to present


The user can display the time series and access the numerical values and associated errors. Data are provided in a text format easy to exploit.

The content of time series is described in the user’s manual for products, accessible under the tab “Links”.

License & DOI

Hydroweb Datat are distributed with an ETALAB V2.0 license


DOI : https://doi.org/10.24400/329360/HYDROWEB_WATER_LEVEL

Please quote the following references for any use of these data :

References for river data

References for Lake Data

Download the licence in English and in French in pdf format

Useful documentation

A User Guide to handle Hydroweb data on hydroweb.next

Hysope poster presented at Hydrospace#2015


Hydroweb Handbook
