Welcome to Sentinel-2C, but why not keep Sentinel-2A operational too?

The Sentinel-2C satellite was launched by ESA and the Copernicus programme on 4 September 2024 on a VEGA launcher.
As soon as it is operational, nominally following an estimated 3-month in-flight acceptance test, S2C will replace the Sentinel-2A satellite to ensure continuity of measurements. S2A will then no longer be operated, but will be kept in reserve in case of problems. Plans are already in place to replace Sentinel-2B with Sentinel-2D.
The THEIA production team in Toulouse is already preparing to receive this new data in its various centres and processing chains. These operations are scheduled to continue until the end of 2024.
The THEIA community regrets that the two satellites are not being used together to improve the quality of the data collected, particularly in the field of vegetation and water observation. Olivier Hagolle assesses the benefits of continuing to operate S2A on his blog.
A petition already signed by more than 1,000 researchers calling for S2A to remain in operation is also available online.