Future Earth appelle les scientifiques à siéger à sa Earth Commission

Future Earth is seeking nominations for members of the Earth Commission. The Commissioners will provide the scientific insights needed to underpin the setting of science-based targets for a stable and resilient planet. The deadline for nominations is 23 April 2019.

Human activities are accelerating changes in the Earth system at a scale and pace that is pushing the planet out of a safe operating space for humanity. Urgent action is needed to slow, and even stop, this change. To avoid the most dangerous consequences of climate change, the world’s nations have agreed to limit rise of global average temperatures to well below 2 C degrees. This science-based target has provided the critical guide for action – but science-based targets are missing for other parts of the Earth system.

“Future Earth is convening the Earth Commission to fill this gap. The Commission will pull together the science needed to define targets – beyond climate. This will help government and business to contribute to maintaining the life support systems of Earth such as land, biodiversity, freshwater and oceans,” said Dr. Amy Luers, Executive Director of Future Earth.

The Commission will consist of up to 20 internationally recognized experts covering sustainability science across multiple disciplines. Natural as well as social scientists are sought, with expertise in the different systems and processes that constitute the Earth system. Interdisciplinarity will be highly valued, as well as extensive experience of international collaboration.

“We are looking to build an international group of leading scientists from different disciplines and regions of the world, to contribute to this important endeavor. The Earth Commission will provide crucial scientific guidance to help society attain the Sustainable Development Goals,” Dr. Luers said.

The Commission’s synthesis will be central for informing the work of the new Science Based Targets Network, engaging more than 20 partners working to develop methodologies for companies and cities to set specific science-based targets to guide policies and practice.

The Earth Commission and the Science Based Targets Network are parts of The Global Commons Alliance, a network of international organisations and businesses aiming to ensure our planet remains habitable.

Read the full announcement here (PDF)) and nominate in this form) (self-nomination possible).

For more details, please refer to the Terms of Reference (PDF)

Further inquiries can be addressed to the Future Earth Secretariat:
Lisa Jacobson, Science Officer

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