SPATIAL ACCURACY, Buffalo, NY, July 7-10th 2020

The 14th international symposium on Spatial Accuracy assessment in natural resources and environmental science will be held in Buffalo, NY, on the 7th to 10th of July, 2020. This biennial conference series brings together experts from environmental science, spatial statistics, data science, and geographic information science to further develop the theory and practical application of handling spatial uncertainty.

  • Deadline for pre-conference workshop is extended to January 15, 2020
  • Extended abstract deadline is extended to February 15, 2020.

The highlight of SPATIAL ACCURACY 2020 includes the distinguished five plenary speakers:

  • Professor Peter Atkinson
  • Professor Ling Bian
  • Professor Noel Cressie
  • Professor Michael Goodchild
  • Professor Bob Haining

The 2020 Symposium theme is “Assessing the Quality of Geospatial Big Data”, and we welcome submissions fitting any of the following Method and Application tracks:

  1. (1) Method track:
    • Spatial and spatiotemporal data uncertainty
    • Spatial statistics (e.g., geostatistics, spatial regression, point patterns, clustering methods, data fusion) for uncertainty assessment and modeling
    • Big data and learning (deep learning and machine learning) for uncertainty analysis
    • The effect of location accuracy on trajectory/movement analyses/modeling * Geovisualization of spatial data uncertainty
  1. (2) Application track:
    1. Spatial data collection/sampling
    2. Quantification of uncertainty in the applied remote sensing and other sensor technologies (e.g., drones, GPS, low-cost air/noise monitoring sensors)
    3. The effect of spatial uncertainty in environmental modeling (water, chemical, air, soil, etc.) and climate change (e.g., wildfire, hurricane, landslide, etc.)
    4. The propagation of uncertainty in the public health (e.g., environmental health, disease mapping, epidemic of infectious disease) and plant and animal epidemiology
    5. The role of uncertainty in ecology (e.g., dispersion, migration, and invasion of species)

We invite contributions to SPATIAL ACCURACY 2020 for oral or poster presentation via EasyChair at

Extended abstract will be reviewed by the scientific committee by March 15, 2020. More details can be found at

If you have questions please email at:

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