Big Earth Data Intelligence | Appel à contributions

Potential topics include (but are not limited to) the following: (optional, but recommended)

  • New advances in the field of disparate data integration and AI (surveys, digital footprints, Internet of things and remote sensing) for addressing environmental and global development challenges.
  • The role of BED Intelligence in the generation of global or large scale information layers (e.g. biophysical variables, mapping informal settlements, exposure to natural hazards, crop monitoring, mapping poverty, etc.)
  • BED Intelligence for predictive modeling of socio-economic and environmental processes (e.g. urban development, population modeling and future projection, numerical weather prediction, data assimilation and forecasting, as well as for extreme weather prediction and nowcasting).
  • Discussion papers on the limitations of AI in the context of BED (e.g. optimization for remote sensing data, need for a large quantities of training samples and benchmark datasets, the challenge to strike the balance between the global context and the local details).
  • The infrastructural solutions and digitalization processes to enable BED Intelligence generation and its application.
  • The ethical and transparencies challenges raised by BED Intelligence.

Big Earth Data

List of articles from both the latest and ahead of print issues.

Language: en-UK

Publisher: Taylor and Francis


Submission guidelines

Important Dates

  • 1 March, 2020  Paper Submission Online
  • 31 May, 2020  Decision to Authors
  • 31 July, 2020  Revised Paper Submission
  • 1 October, 2020  Publication

Manuscript Submission Information

Please visit the Instructions for Authors page before submitting a manuscript. Once the manuscript has been prepared, submit it through the Editorial Manager System and choose the correct Special Issue. If you need further assistance regarding this matter, please contact the Editorial Office at

Editorial Information

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