Dissemination and capacity building using Copernicus as well as Theia products
A 7-days Summer School taking place at Samarkand State University
Open to academics (professors and students), public actors (managers or engineers from ministries), as well as private actors
From Uzbekistan and neighboring countries
Thanks to the FPACUP European program aiming to support the exploitation of Copernicus data and services, the French Land Data Center Theia organizes in Samarkand a French-Uzbekistan Summer School on Remote Sensing technics, data and products. The objective of this Summer School is to promote the use of Copernicus as well as Theia data and value-added products.
Experts from French Institutes (INRAE, CNRS, CNES, IGN, IRD, University of Strasbourg) will attend this Remote Sensing Summer School aiming to encourage European-Uzbekistan cooperation on the use of Earth Observation data for continental surfaces, to exchange experiences, and to
train Uzbek students in this expertise.
The scientific community and the public stakeholders are the main targeted audience of the action, but the private sector can also benefit from synergies and pooling effects. Beside the offered training, some research works using Copernicus data and products will be presented. The use of Sentinel remote sensing data (in particular Sentinel- 1 and Sentinel-2) and the training of new users in remote sensing will be important points of this summer school.
Pursuing four goals
- Promoting Sentinel remote sensing data and training of new users in remote sensing: downloading data, preprocessing, etc.
- Teaching to use the remote sensing image processing software OrfeoToolBox (OTB) and QGIS (Open Source softwares for the processing of remote sensing images). OTB and QGIS facilitate the use of remote sensing data: Feature extraction, Calibration, Classification, Segmentation, etc.
- Promoting Copernicus value-added products and services such as urban and land-use/ land-cover maps.
- Sharing lessons learned on added-value products, developed and produced within Theia such as Soil Moisture at Very High Spatial
and Temporal Resolutions or Rapid Mapping Service. Theia products and algorithms are complementary to Copernicus products.
Download the presentation of the Samarkand Summer School on Remote Sensing
Day 1 >> Course on optical remote sensing: physics of measurement, radiation, satellite imaging.
Day 2 >> Course on radar remote sensing: physics of measurement, radiation, satellite imaging.
Day 3 >> Copernicus image data training (in particular S1 and S2). Download and preprocessing of Sentinel-2 (optical) and Sentinel-1 (radar) images with radiometric calibration of radar images and atmospheric correction of optical images.
Days 4 & 5 >> Practical work on image processing: import/export, visualization, contrast, digitizing/vectorising, segmentation, classification, create map layout using open access software such as QGIS and OTB.
Day 6 >> Presentation of Global Copernicus Land dded-value products
Day 7 >> Parallel tutorial sessions, each focusing on a given theme :
- Land Use / Land Cover Mapping Using Sentinel-1/2 Images
- Urban Mapping
- Estimation of Soil Moisture in Agricultural Areas using Sentinel Images
- Drought Estimation and Mapping
- Disaster Mapping from Space.
French Presenters
- Dr. Nicolas BAGHDADI & Dr. Hassan BAZZI, French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE)
- Dr Christina CORBANE, European Commission, Joint Research Centre Space, Security and Migration (Ispra)
- Dr. Clément MALLET, French National Geographic Institute (IGN)
- Dr. Hervé YÉSOU, Rapid Mapping Service of ICube Laboratory, University of Strasbourg
- Dr. Mehrez ZRIBI, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).
- Dr. Michel LE PAGE, French Institute of Research for Development (IRD)
Download detailed programs
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The Summer School will be held at Samarkand State University :
Faculty of international Education Programme
University Boulevard, 15
140104 Samarkand
Convenient accommodations solutions will soon be detailed.