5000+ L2A Sentinel-2A products available
CNES just released large time series of Sentinel-2A L2A data, over France, Reunion Island, North of Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, and on some large sites in Burkina Faso, Mali, Ethiopia, and Tunisia.
We process one whole year of data from December 1st 2015 to December 1st 2016. More than 5000 tiles where just released.
The level 2A provides ortho-rectified images which are corrected from atmospheric effects and provided with a cloud and cloud shadow mask.
Processing over Tunisia goes on and Morocco and Senegal are next on the list. Then, we will process Madagascar, and the all the zones displayed here. The data were processed using the MACCS processor.
For more information, see https://www.cesbio.cnrs.fr/multitemp/?p=6203
More information: Sentinel-2