User services

A new GeoDEV website, with resources tailored to your profile

The website of the ART GeoDEV, the Theia Regional Animation network that CIRAD, IRD and CNES have been leading since 2017 in the direction of Southern countries, is evolving to […]


THEIA services, softwares & thematic tools

Various processing software as well as modelling and mapping tools designed for thematic applications by Theia’s SECs.

MOOC Introduction to Radar Remote Sensing

The course will start on September 16th 2019. Enroll now.


Creating a Dinamis-Theia account

5 steps to create a Theia account

PEPS platform

The PEPS Sentinel products exploitation platform is designed to offer innovative services for accessing Sentinel mission data under the European Copernicus programme to institutional users, scientists and industry. By redistributing […]

QGIS in Remote Sensing

Series of books “QGIS in remote sensing”aims to facilitate the appropriation and operational use of the Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS) software in the field of remote sensing. This series […]

Land Surface Remote Sensing

Series of books on remote sensing applied to continental surfaces are available in english and french version from ISTE-Elsevier editions. This series is designed for those who wish to discover […]

Educational resources

A selection of teaching material related to remote-sensing and Earth observation.

User resources

Meeting the scientific community and users’ needs, Theia offers a regional animation and tools.
