Daily NDVI derived from SEVIRI/MSG data over West Africa, 2007

NDVI – AMMA project

Data access


The AMMA project is a R&D project performed in the POSTEL framework. AMMA is a scientific project for the study of the African Mousson, financed by European (FP6) and national funding. POSTEL acts as a provider in near real time of Land SAF satellite products derived from the Meteorological Institute of Portugal and customized to satisfy the needs of the AMMA community.

In the frame of AMMA (African Monsoon Multi-disciplinary Analysis) project, Postel customise existing NDVI products in order to standardize them in terms of projection, spatial resolution, and area coverage, and to make them easier to use by modellers community. Consequently, customisation consists in resampling products on pre-defined grids, and extracting areas of interest, which are :

  • West Africa : from 25°W to 25°E, from 5°S to 20°N
  • Atlantic : from 60°W to 40°E, from 35°S to 35°N
NDVI journalier issu des données SEVIRI/MSG sur l’Afrique de l’Ouest, 2007
Daily NDVI derived from SEVIRI/MSG data over West Africa, 2007


Postel has generated customized NDVI products, which can be downloaded with their readme files. The following products are available:

  • monthly AVHRR NDVI (1981-2001) from PATHFINDER AVHRR Land (PAL), provided by Boston University, resampled on a regular grid at 0.25° resolution over « Atlantic » area
  • 10-day POLDER-1 (1996-1997) and POLDER-2 (2003) NDVI, resampled on a regular grid at 0.05° resolution over « West Africa » area.

Furthermore, Postel produces an NDVI from the daily spectral directional albedos derived from SEVIRI/MSG data, provided by the Institute of Meteorology of Portugal in charge of the Land Surface Analysis (LSA) SAF.

This NDVI can be downloaded with a readme files. It is available from September 2005, and it covers the West Africa area with a regular grid of 0.05° of resolution.

All these products are also available through the AMMASAT database, in NetCDF format.
