Take part to the review of IPCC special reports
IPCC invites all scientists to take part to the review of the « Climate Change and Land » Special Report (SRCCL) (WGI-WGII-WGIII). The review is open until January 14th 2019. Follow the link to register: https://apps.ipcc.ch/comments/srccl/sod/register.php
Report content
>Chapter 1: Framing and Context
>Chapter 2: Land-Climate Interactions
>Chapter 3: Desertification
>Chapter 4: Land Degradation
>Chapter 5: Food Security
>Chapter 6: Interlinkages between desertification, land degradation, food security and GHG fluxes: synergies, trade-offs and integrated response options
>Chapter 7: Risk management and decision making in relation to sustainable development
The review is an essential step in strengthening the quality of the assesssment of scientific literature and for its rigour, objectivity and exhaustiveness. This review is also essential for the quality of the executive summary of the chapters and the summary for policy-makers, and their relevance.
It is also an opportunity to contribute to the collective work.