
Land cover Theia product update

Like every year at this time, you’re invited to discover the new version of the OSO product, from the S.E.C Land cover. The 2022 version was released a few days […]



The development of CAMS aerosol products requires MAJA to be adapted and has an impact on the production of Reflectance Theia products.


Kakhovka: HYDROWEB data shows a reservoir turned back a river

Hydroweb data is used to track the world’s major rivers and reservoirs. It documents the end of the Kakhovka reservoir.


What Hydroweb data shows about the Kakhovka dam failure

Theia Hydroweb data has been widely used to illustrate the recent variation in the Kakhovka dam reservoir on social networks, with comments sometimes going far beyond what the data can actually indicate.


Interactive mapping of soil properties in Brittany

Theia Digital Soil Mapping experts group produces an interactive mapping of soil properties in Brittany, documenting the following variables: An online application allows you to view predictive maps of soil properties on: […]

Soil property prediction maps in Languedoc-Roussillon

Theia Digital Soil Mapping CES produces Soil property prediction maps in Languedoc-Roussillon (east part of the Occitanie region). The soil properties concerned are the particle size fractions : For each of these […]

Maps of soil particle size fractions (clay, silt, sand) and coarse element content for metropolitan France

Theia Digital Soil Mapping CES produces a series of maps of soil particle size fractions (clay, silt, sand) and coarse element content for metropolitan France.

Map of the Soil Available Water Capacity in Metropolitan France

A Water Capacity calculated from a pedo-transfer function applied to soil characteristics estimated by digital mapping techniques.

Ile de la Réunion – Distribution des puces Xenopsylla vectrices du typhus murin (en rouge : indice de densité élevé ; en bleu : indice de densité faible)

Map of rat fleas distribution, Reunion Island

Mapping of the distribution of Xenopsylla flea vectors of murine typhus, Reunion Island.
