Carte de prédiction de la présence de moustiques tigres à Montpellier, juillet 2018 produite dans le cadre du CES RISQUES MALADIES INFECTIEUSES

Mapping and Modelling Tools for Preventing Infectious Disease Risk

ALBOMAURICE |a model of Aedes albopictus mosquito population dynamics, developed for MauritiusMauritiusCC BY-NC 4.0DataVerse
ALBORUN | a model of Aedes albopictus mosquito population dynamics, developed for Reunion Island Reunion Island CC BY-NC 4.0 DataVerse
ARBOCARTO | Mapping tool to predict the population density of Aedes vectors _ CC BY-NC 4.0DataVerse
NLHI -Normalized Landscape Hazard index | Python Code, a tool for mapping the influence of the landscape on the probability of human/vector interaction   CC BY-NC 4.0 Framagit
Geocoding python code for disease cases (e.g. dengue in Brazil) based on OSM   CC BY-NC 4.0 Forthcoming
